Web Design Townsville - Can I build a website myself?

 Can't I just build my own website and save money?

Web Design Townsville

In most cases a business owner building a website of their own has many challenges that you might not be aware of. For example, when we do even the most basic changes there are countless micro adjustments that need to be made. Let's say we are adding a picture to a website, we would all agree that's a fairly simple process however things you might not be aware of are things like, image compression, image size, next Gen image formats, responsive design, choosing when to use certain colors and choosing pictures that are not on other websites across the world.

This is just one example of how a simple task like adding a picture can have a lot of complexities that a business owner does not understand. when you multiply this to every aspect of a website it becomes a very complex world to understand. This is why we have spent years perfecting the process so that our customers can send us simple content, text, images and videos and we upload that to their website ensuring that the search engine optimization best practices are followed. you don't have to spend years learning web design principles, you save time and we end up making the changes to your website perfectly. 

Apart from changes, there are other aspects to consider as well. For example if you were to use a free or cheap website editing tool like wix, the quality is very low the code behind the scenes is very poor and your chances of ever being seen online are non existent.  

speak to one of our team today to find out how simple a new website can be. 


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